Faperta IPB


Monthly Discussion Of The Faculty Of Agriculture IPB “Voice Of Darmaga” June 2012


Monthly Discussion Of The Faculty Of Agriculture IPB “Voice Of Darmaga” June 2012

[boc_heading]Monthly Discussion Of The Faculty Of Agriculture IPB “Voice Of Darmaga” June 2012[/boc_heading]

The Monthly Discussion of IPB Faculty of Agriculture “Suara Darmaga” June 2012 will take the theme of TOURISM VILLAGE. Voice of Darmaga this month will be held on FRIDAY, June 22, 2012 at 14.00 – 16.00 hours West Indonesia Time at the Meeting Room of the IPB Faculty of Agriculture Wing 19 Level 5, IPB Campus Dramaga.

This event will present Ir Sidiek Rosyadi, MSi (Head of Sub Directorate of the Post Harvest of Ornamental Plants in Pots and Landscape) as the keynote speaker who will take the theme ”Starting an Ornamental Plant Business-Empowering Flori Village” and Dr. Ir Siti Nurisjah (Head of Department of Landscape Architecture, IPB Faculty of Agriculture) who will take the theme ”Tourism Village”.

The event will then be followed by a discussion with invited guests from the academic circle, post graduate students and practitioners in landscape architecture. Results of the Suara Dramaga monthly discussion will be uploaded via the official website of the Faculty of Agriculture.