Academic Schedule

Academic Schedule

List of Courses in English – Faculty of Agriculture, IPB

No Code Name of Courses *Credit Semester
Odd Even
1 TSL 320 Soil Fertility 3 (3-0) P
2 TSL 331 Soil and Water Conservation 3 (2-1) P
3 AGH 211 Principle of Plant Breeding 3 (2-1) P
4 AGH 240 Principle of Horticulture 3 (2-1) P
5 AGH 250 Seed Science and Technology 3 (2-1) P
6 AGH 330 Fundamental of Plant Biotechnology 3 (2-1) P
7 AGH 331 Plant Propagation 3 (2-1) P
8 AGH 341 Estate Plantation Crop Science 3 (2-1) P
9 AGH 342 Vegetable Crops 3 (2-1) P
10 AGH 343 Ornamental Plant and Horticulture 3 (2-1) P
11 AGH 350 Seed  Production  and  Processing 3 (2-1) P
12 AGH 440 Post Harvest Handling for Agricultural Crops 3 (2-1) P
13 AGH 450 Seed Storage and Seed Quality Testing 3 (2-1) P
14 PTN 200 Principles of Crop Protection 3 (2-1) P
15 PTN 211 General Entomology 4 (2-2) P
16 PTN 303 Pests and Diseases of Perennial Crops 3 (2-1) P
17 PTN 304 Pesticide Use and Management 3 (2-1) P
18 PTN 307 Pest and Disease of Food Crops and Horticulture 4 (3-1) P
19 PTN 403 Introduction to Biotechnology in Crop Protection 2 (2-0) P
20 ARL 200 Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture 3(2-1) P
21 ARL 315 Landscape for Agrotourism 2 (2-0) P
22 ARL 320 Plant in the Landscape 2 (2-0) P
23 ARL 323 Greenery Open Space 2 (2-0) P
24 ARL 330 Landscape of Agriculture 2 (2-0) P
25 ARL 331 Planting Construction 3 (2-1) P
26 ARL 421 Landscape Management 3 (2-1) P


*Credit : 3 (2-1) means total credit : 3, consist of 2 credits from lecture/theory and 1 credit from practicum/field work